How to Fold a Razor Scooter

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Using a Razor scooter is an extremely exciting and fun way to get around your neighborhood while engaging in a bit of exercise. When you’re done with using the scooter, it’s also capable of folding so you can transport and store it in a small space without any trouble. Using a quick-release lever will get you most of the way there, and the rest of the process is relatively intuitive.

Both the traditional Razor scooter and the company’s scooters for kids offer this folding option. However, if you aren’t sure how to fold a Razor scooter, we have the scoop to ensure you do it the right way. Keep in mind that there is one exception: electric scooters from Razor are not able to fold the same way as a kids scooter or an adult Razor scooter.

Below, we’ll go through all the steps needed to both fold and unfold any Razor scooter except for the electric scooters.

The first of our steps involves taking the scooter and placing it on the ground before stepping on it with one foot. Placing it this way keeps it stable while you remove each locking lever. Next, you will plant a foot between the wheels of the scooter on the foot stand. Be careful as you go through this step since you could injure your fingers if you aren’t paying attention.

Press down firmly on the scooter while holding onto the handlebars to prevent the Razor scooter from moving. While the scooter for kids and adults can be easy to fold, it has to be done in a specific way. If the scooter is not steady and the release buttons aren’t pushed at the right time, it can cause the Razor scooter to unfold.

Push the Release Lever on Each Handle to Slide the Grips Out

Whether you have a scooter kid who needs help with folding their scooter or you are an adult with a Razor scooter, the next steps are to pus the release button on the back of each handle. When you stand behind the handlebars, the buttons are going to be right in front of you. Push one hand on a button, which will allow you to pull the grip away from the scooter. Next, repeat the process for the other side.

Most scooters cannot fold without removing the grips first. The smaller kick scooter for children is more straightforward since it is for scooter kids. There is no steering column clasp or handlebar buttons, so you need only worry about releasing the lever.

Related: 3 Wheel Toddler Scooter

Open Up the Clasp Located on the Steering Column Side

The front of the Razor scooter is adjustable and contains the handlebars while connecting to the footpad. Fold the scooter by looking for a circular piece of metal about halfway from the bottom and the handlebars. One side of the lever will have a clasp that you can pull away from the scooter.

Were you the one that assembled the scooter? If so, the quick-release is likely the same component that you used to raise or lower the steering column so the handlebars would be placed at the perfect height for fun riding.

Press the Steering Column Down as Far as Possible

The next step to fold a Razor scooter is by pushing down the steering column. To do so, you want to lower the handlebars by pressing on them with a hand while you use the other hand to hold onto the steering column. You will watch the steering column go down and disappear into the central area of the scooter.

All you need to do to finish the folding in this step is to close the clasp again, so the steering column stays in place. When you want to use the kick scooter to ride again, release the clasp once more and raise the handlebars back where they go. The tube is what determines how high the handlebars are, so release the clasp and raise the handlebars when you want to ride again.

Place the Scooter Upside Down While Holding the Column

Now it’s time to turn your scooter upside down while you keep hold of the steering column. Step off the scooter and flip it over while keeping a firm grip on the handlebars, so the column does not slide out. The handlebars can also be held against the ground or your body to keep the steering column of the kick scooter from popping back out so you can finish the folding process.

Keep in mind that if the column comes out again, folding won’t occur. Make sure to turn it back over and push down on the handlebars again for the best results.

Press the Lever on the Bottom of the Scooter

While you have the steering column held, reach for the joint-release lever with a free hand. This is a crucial step to fold a scooter; you will find the lever by the front wheel near the area where the column connects to the footpad. Flip the level to turn off the locking mechanism, and when you flip the scooter again, it will fold up into a shape that is easy for transport.

How to Unfold a Razor Kick Scooter

When you want to unfold the scooter, you will do so by using the release lever. Hold the scooter in your hands like you did to fold it the first time, then press the quick-release toward the footpad. While you do that, pull the handlebar in the opposite way to pop open and unfold the scooter. After that, open the clasp and pull up the steering column to place it at the height you desire.

The scooter is made to unfold easily, perhaps easier than folding is. If you have trouble when you attempt to unfold it, look over the scooter for damage or debris that might be present.

Wrapping Up

At this point, you should know how to fold a Razor scooter. Make sure you follow every step in the folding process to ensure you properly fold your exciting Razor scooter. If you do things the right way, you’ll get the best results every time. Remember that this is a simple process, so there’s no need to overthink it.

Are you wondering about other tricks and tips for scooters? Follow us to check out all our other articles about riding on a scooter for fun or transportation!