Hey there! We’re not sure how long it’s been since you’ve ridden a skateboard, but if it’s been a while, you might want to give this blog post a read. Skateboarding is one of the best forms of exercise out there, and with technology advancing, new boards are being made all the time that make skating easier than ever before. This article will explain some of the changes in skateboards over recent years and how to get back into skateboarding faster.
The feeling of getting back on a board after years away from it is indescribable. It’s not just about being able to kickflip again, either. It’s about being able to feel comfortable doing what feels natural.
Skateboarding is so much more than just a hobby. It can be an exercise, a way to meet new people and even make money. If you’re looking for something different to do this summer, give skateboarding another try! There are several reasons why you should start skating again, and we’re going to go over all of them in this post.
Is the skateboard collecting dust in your garage? Have you been meaning to get back into skating but haven’t found the time yet? If so, here’s how to get back into skateboarding.
How to Get Back Into Skateboarding: Two Reasons You Left
The chances are high that the reason an individual either returns to skating after one of two situations. They outgrew the sport, or they suffered an injury. Not much else can quell the passion of a true skateboarder.
However, judging just by the existence of this article and others like it, even skateboarders that outgrow the sport never lose that undying fire. We’re here to tell you that hanging the board up was probably not a voluntary decision. Sometimes people go through changes in life that force them to hang up teenage and young-adult hobbies, like having kids, getting married, and picking up a new job. That passion lies in wait until the perfect timing to reemerge for the participant in question.
An injured skateboarder’s decisions aren’t quite the same. Regardless of whether the injury was skateboard-related, an occurrence severe enough can sideline even the best skaters indefinitely. Broken bones and torn ligaments are some of the biggest causes of skateboarders missing substantial amounts of time.
Sometimes injured skateboarders never pick their board back up; quite possibly, some injuries won’t allow it, or they’re too shy about riding a board, especially if the injury was skateboard-related. Head injuries can be the worst. Returning from a nasty injury is only reserved for the most resilient and courageous skateboarders (or maybe the craziest).
Regardless of the reason why a skateboarder was forced to remain on the sidelines for a while, the methods of returning are often the same. Disciplines must be relearned, and a careful approach must be taken to get your feet wet again. Let’s examine some of the steps that should be taken to return to the world of skateboarding.
Take It Slow
In the same way, learning to skateboard initially was a lengthy process; learning the second time around may be lengthy as well. Albeit maybe not as lengthy, but there’s still a fairly large window involved.
Rushing back into the sport is a sure way to guarantee a sloppy technique and perhaps a failed venture, especially if you’re returning from injury. Any ex-skateboarder that returns to the sport must first get their skating legs back.
Just the sheer act of getting on the board again requires its own amount of time and attention. Get back on the board and just stand there for a while. Roll back and forth some, taking the time to get acquainted with the feeling again.
If you’re nervous about falling, return to the grass and carpet standing techniques you might have used when you first started skating. Regardless of what it takes, just make sure you take your time instead of rushing back into an attempt to learn everything at once.
Warm Up
This could be the most important part of a returning skateboarder’s regiment. Whether you’re returning from age or returning from injury, this step is equally important for both scenarios. You’re not in the same shape physically as when you started skating.
Always make sure you warm-up, especially during your first few months back on a skateboard. You’re not 18 anymore, and some of the things in your body don’t work the same when you’re 35 or 40. There’s a huge difference in your body. You will find this out quickly if you choose not to warm up before you place a foot on a deck.
Injured skaters assume the risk of quickly reinjuring themselves if they don’t warm up. It doesn’t matter what the injury was; anytime someone returns from a serious accident or injury, the body is not used to high levels of activity.
You might even want to consider doing simple things like walking, jogging, or lifting some weights before you even purchase a new board. Making sure the body is ready is equally as important, if not more important, than making sure the mind is ready.
Listed below are some great warm-up exercises to prepare yourself for jumping back on a skateboard.
- Simple stretches can go far. Use stretches like windmills and toes touch to get some of our body’s elasticity back. Don’t expect to have the same bend from when you were a teenager, but you can make it part of the way there, at least.
- Sit-ups and push-ups are classic exercises that can strengthen those important core muscles you’ll use when you start skating again. The core might be the most important portion of your body to get back in shape in preparation for a return to skateboarding.
- Springs and jogging are a great way to get some of your cardio levels back up. If you remember, skateboarding requires a great deal of cardio endurance. God help you if you’re now a cigarette smoker.
Wear Protective Gear
Maybe at this age, you’ll have a newfound appreciation for protective gear. That is assuming you didn’t have a taste for it when you were younger. You could have been a responsible skater that actually took part in wearing the necessary protective items. If you were, good on you. You’ll do even better this time.
Older knees and elbows don’t do as well on hard surfaces. Concrete and wood aren’t as forgiving in your 30s and 40s, and they certainly don’t bode well for a return from a major injury. Make sure you get all the pads and a proper helmet. These basics will help in preventing any future injuries from sidelining you a second time.
Don’t Push Yourself Too Much
This is a very important rule for returning skaters as well. This doesn’t just go for pushing yourself; maybe you have an audience or group of people tracking your return to stardom. Don’t let peer pressure get the best of you.
If you’re not ready to perform a certain trick you may have been recognized for in your prime, don’t rush back into doing it if you’re not ready. There won’t be anything cool about a 40-year-old man completely wiping out on a trick he nailed at 18.
Practice makes perfect, and you need to crawl before you can walk. Make sure you have the basic disciplines down before attempting to hit any ramps or rails. It might take plenty of time before you’re able to ollie again.
Don’t get discouraged, and let things flow naturally. This isn’t saying that you can’t jump on the board, and it all comes back to you naturally, and in two weeks, you’re Tony Hawking it up and down a vert-ramp.
The chances of this aren’t high, but it does happen. The point is, skate at a level that feels comfortable to you. It’s not a competition, and there are no prizes on the line. The only prize is your newfound enjoyment of a sport you once loved.
Keep Your Session Times Low at First
Don’t run out to the park and attempt an hours-long marathon session your first week back on the board. This could turn into a marathon session at the local hospital. Use your head, and remember you’re not a superhero.
Start small and work your way up. A short 30-minute session is plenty for the first few days you start skating again. You can continue to push that in 15 to 20-minute intervals, depending on what you’re comfortable with.
This slow progression is really important if you’re returning from an injury-based scenario. Any doctor will tell you that slow and steady wins the race. Take on small bits of action first, then work your way up. Listen to your body and pay attention to what it says.
Get a Wider Board Initially
Your balance and stability are going to take some brushing up when you first get back on a skateboard. Riding a wider board for your first few weeks or months will only assist you in gaining your skating legs back.Don’t expect to be able to use the same style as your old skateboard.
Nine inches is probably a great width to utilize for a returning skater. Anything lower than 8.5 inches is probably pushing it. You need plenty of room to plant your feet and spread your legs a little.
If you don’t have enough foot room to work with, relearning your balance and stability will be an extremely difficult process. You’ll do more slipping off the board than anything else.Be sure to use plenty of grip tape.
Returning from Injury?
You should notify your doctors or surgeons of your decision to return to skateboarding. If they don’t clear you right away, then you should listen to what they recommend. However, if they do give you the go-ahead, this gives you an opportunity to use their valuable knowledge to help your efforts.
Give them an idea of how you plan to return, what you plan on doing, and what the process will look like for the first month. This will allow them to critique your plan and maybe give you some fitness and health tips.
Don’t try to sugarcoat anything you plan on doing. Lying to your doctor or surgeon can only lead to potentially disastrous results. You actually have an advantage by having them to consult with. You should take advantage of this luxury while you can.
Final Tips
These are some final tips that any returning skater would do well by knowing when they get back on a board.
Advice at the Skate Park
Don’t be afraid to get advice from younger skaters. Even though you’re older, technically, they’re the experts in the field at this point. Make friends at the skate park.
Skateboard Scene Videos
Watch some new skateboard videos to get you acquainted with recent styles and tricks. A lot has probably changed since the days of your prime, and watching videos can help catch you back up.
Skate Shoes
Don’t forget to purchase a good pair of skate shoes. Getting a nice pair of skate shoes that grip well will go a long way when it comes to your balancing and stability game.
If you’ve taken an extended absence from the sport of skateboarding and have been kicking around a return, following this guide will help you by leaps and bounds. The tips in this guide might be basic, but they’re very important steps that are sometimes not followed otherwise.
Remember to take your time, not get discouraged, and listen to your body. Don’t skate with fear; we’re not saying to baby yourself on a skateboard. Maybe just don’t be as brave as the 18-year-old you!
Be proud of yourself; your return to skating is pretty cool. The benefits and fun outweighs the potential negatives if you return under the right conditions.