how to stop on a skateboard

How to Stop on a Skateboard?

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Knowing how to stop on a skateboard is essential for learning new tricks and having fewer injuries. There are different techniques to use based on whether you are a beginner to skating or someone who has more experience.

This article will look at several options to slow and stop a skateboard. First, you’ll need to practice the technique you choose until it becomes natural. After you have a grasp on the method you like, you’ll be capable of handling impressive tricks that you can show off to all your friends.

Go Slowly

When you start to perform the complete stop, it’s easier than you might expect to lose command of the board. The best place to learn is on a sidewalk or a patch of ground. Restrained methods, such as controlled slide stopping, should be used in dangerous situations.

Place Your Non-Dominant Foot at the Back of the Board

First, move your non-dominant feet to the back of the board. Then, lean ahead and shift your weight on the balls of your feet. The dominant foot should be near the middle of the skateboard. If you begin to feel off-balance, lift your arms up to become steadier. Don’t be afraid to go slow until you get the hang of it.

Press the Tail Using Your Back Foot

Next, press into the tail with your back foot. Apply pressure until the tail touches the ground. A scraping sound indicates that you are in the process of stopping. The friction of the ground against the skateboard will slow your speed. Don’t leave the board until thoroughly at a stop.

Consider a Heel Scrape

An alternative is the heel scrape or heel brake. Heel scraping is similar to tail scraping, except the tail doesn’t press into the ground. Instead, extend your back foot out so the heel isn’t on the board. Then, press the tail back and stop when you contact the ground.

Unfortunately, the heel brake technique can cause severe wear to your shoe.

Jump off if Control Is Lost

If you lose total control, jump off the board. This is the safest option in this case. Make sure only to do this in emergencies and use correct techniques. Your legs and arms should be loose as you curl into a roll when you reach the ground.

It’s best to practice falling to hone the technique you use. Don’t use your arms to catch yourself as it could hurt your wrists. You should know how to fall before you start skateboarding at fast speeds. Try it on grass or another soft surface.

Foot Brake Method

Another option is a foot brake, which is done on a level surface. It shouldn’t be used when going downhill or as an emergency stop. Avoid this method while wearing open-toed shoes or sandals since your foot is used to halt the skateboard. This method works well for beginner skaters.

Turn a Foot Forward

First, take your front foot and turn the toes forward. You want them to face toward the board nose in a foot brake. Next, turn your head and upper body forward at the same time. You can use the front or back foot, but most use the dominant foot.

Add Weight to the Front and Bring the Back Down

Shift your weight to the foot in front while bringing down the other foot. At the point where you feel steady on the front foot, the back foot should fall toward the ground. Make sure the back leg is straight through the process and don’t lean on the back since you could fall.

Make sure your heel presses into the surface first if possible.

Drag the Foot in Back Across the Ground

Use light pressure on the shoe that is pressed into the surface while you stop. Move your weight from the front to the back. For quicker stopping, add more pressure to the trailing foot. Even pressure will result in a smooth stop.

Stop With a Controlled Slide

When going downhill, consider a controlled slide stop. This can be used instead of hopping off the skateboard to avoid injuries in an emergency. For example, you could use this stop when you are skating downhill and a car pulls out in front of you.

Since you could need to use this in an emergency at any time, wear protective gear like sliding gloves, wrist guards, and knee pads.

Put Your Front Foot Forward

Similar to a foot brake, you want one of your feet forward facing the nose of the board. Think about where the skateboard bolts are located and place the foot above them.

Turn the Board at a 180-Degree Angle

Pivot using the upper part of your frame while sharply turning to the side. This shift is essential to accommodate the fast turn. While doing this, crouch to your knees and lean forward to not fall onto your back.

Stay planted on the board throughout the process. Don’t let either foot drag on the surface of the road or sidewalk.

Touch the Road for Stability

If you start leaning back, place your hands on the road and let them drag. This is why you want to wear sliding gloves to prevent road burn on your hands. The board will slide into a stop and you can lift your hands when you are no longer in motion.

Drill Yourself

Practicing is an integral part of the process so you feel comfortable with this method before you are in a dangerous situation. A slight incline is best, such as one on your driveway or a sloping sidewalk. Continue practicing until the process becomes ingrained in your muscle memory.

Do a Power Slide

If you are confident and want to stop on a skateboard, a power slide is a good choice. It’s similar to controlled sliding but has more advanced steps. This isn’t the best method for fast stopping but works well for doing tricks at the skate park.

Watch for traffic before you decide to enter a powerslide. It can be challenging to pull off quickly.

Center Yourself on the Heels

While you do this, lean somewhat to the board front. This gives you a better command of the powerslide and ensures you can fully turn.

Most of your body should be powering your front heel. Letting it go to the back heel makes the process more difficult.

Turn Into the Slide

Ensure your lower and upper frame move by turning your hips and shoulders. The foot in front will pivot as you slide into a 90-degree angle. Going too quickly will cause you to lose balance.

Kick Out

Once you have pivoted, kick out into the direction of the slide. This helps complete the trick as you slow down before stopping. Then, lean back until the board is entirely stopped to keep your balance.

How To Stop on a Skateboard - Tips & Tricks

When riding a board, there are several skateboard learning tips to be aware of. First, no matter what method you are using, from heel brake to tail drag, make sure you ride in flat, dry, and level locations. This ensures you can best keep your skateboard where you want it.

In addition, all the wheels on the skateboard should be slick. Wheels should be made of urethane and rubber rather than wheels made of nylon.

If you are power-sliding, avoid loose trucks. Also, be aware that this method can wear out all the wheels on the board. If the board seems to drag, it’s time to replace them.

Safety is essential when skateboarding. The best place to ride is on sidewalks and paved trails. Avoid taking your skateboard on an open road. Many people using a skateboard are injured or killed in vehicle collisions.

Wrapping Up

Choose one of the main ways above as you learn how to stop on a skateboard. You’ll learn to slow the board you are riding and become more proficient at skateboarding. Whether you do a board slide, heel brake, or a frontside powerslide, you’ll quickly learn to stop a skateboard in any situation.