Snowmobiles are an extremely fun winter activity that can provide not only recreation but also transportation for some individuals who live in remote areas where the roads are not always cleared right away. When you snowmobile, you want to make sure that you have all of the right equipment, and that goes far beyond just having a great machine and some cold-weather gear. Snowmobile helmets are an essential piece of gear that will help to keep you safe when you are out riding the trails.
You will want to have a snowmobile helmet for many of the same reasons that you would have a helmet for your motorcycle. It provides an added layer of safety for you in case you were to get into an accident of any type. Even though you might feel that falling in the snow is softer and safer than falling on a roadway, it is actually just as dangerous. There could be items like rocks and logs hidden in the snow that could cause serious injury. The helmet helps to keep you protected from that type of damage.
Of course, with all of the snowmobile helmets on the market today, it can be difficult to know which one is worth your money. Below, we have collected the 9 best snowmobile helmets available. We’ve provided some information about each of those helmets, and we’ve included information on what you should be looking for when you are choosing your snowmobile helmet.
Best Snowmobile Helmets - Our Top Picks
509 Delta R3 Ignite
- Ignite dual pane heated shield for fog free performance
- 2 shell sizes, and Dual Density EPS for optimal fit
509 offers the Delta R3 Ignite, a high-quality helmet made from lightweight polycarbonate. It features dual-density EPS, along with a drop-down internal sun shield for those days when the sun is shining bright and could be causing glare on the snow. It also features a dual-pane anti-scratch and anti-fog coated ITO electric shield. This means the shield is going to look good and will not be easily scratched. It also means that you do not have to worry about the shield fogging up and making it difficult for you to see. If the helmet were to get foggy, it would mean a lot of stopping along the trails, so you do not get into an accident.
You will find that the helmet has three configuration options available. This includes dual-sport, full face and open face. The helmet is DOT approved and it meets the FMVSS 218 Standard. It is available in a number of different styles and sizes. It can work well in all different weather conditions. The internal liner can be removed and washed, so you can keep the helmet clean and in good condition. No matter where you ride or how you right, this could be a good snowmobile helmet to use.
- Modular Flip-up Function, Anti-scratch, and Wide View Clear Visor.
- Advanced Lightweight Durable ABS Shell with EPS Impact Absorption Inner Liner.
While the YM-925 is marketed as being a motorcycle helmet, it has all of the same features and benefits that buyers would want from any snowmobile helmet. It is a professional-grade helmet that complies with the DOT FMVSS 218 standard. The helmet is made from high-quality materials including an aerodynamic ABS shell and multi-density EPS. It has a reinforced chin strap with a quick release buckle, as well.
The helmet has a fully adjustable intake and exhaust vents to provide riders with a constant and light flow of air. This can help to keep you comfortable when you are out riding. The liner and pads are comfortable, too. They also happen to be fully removable and washable, so you can keep the helmet smelling fresh and free from odors. The helmet even features extra space for glasses, as well as for Bluetooth speakers. The speakers are not included.
The helmet comes in several sizes, but the manufacturers recommend that riders order one size larger than what they usually get. Buyers will also like the style and the aesthetics of the sleek helmet, which is available in two colors – black and white. It is a quality option that could work well for your riding needs.
509 Tactical Helmet
- Polycarbonate blend for stiffness and absorption
- Deep shell for full coverage, intermediate oval shape for excellent fit
The snowmobile helmet adheres to the DOT & ECE 2205 safety certification standards. It is a lightweight helmet that features dual-density interlocking EPS foam liner, offering quality protection in case of an accident. The front chin part of the helmet features an expanded polyurethane insert that can provide you with protection in the event of a frontal impact. The outer shell of the tactical helmet from 509 is made from rugged polycarbonate, which has proven to be very durable.
Those who choose the snow helmet will find that the integrated front and top intake vents along with the rear exhaust vents can help to keep them comfortable. The helmet also comes with a cold-weather breath bod, which can be quickly and easily installed. This will help to ensure that you are nice and warm even when it is cold outside, making it a good option for a snowmobile helmet. Another nice feature is the aerodynamic visor, which has a locking top center mount. This will ensure that the visor is held in place and does not move.
Castle X Mode Dual-Sport SV Snowmobile Helmet
- ELECTRIC configuration includes electric dual pane anti fog shield, Hi Definition Smoke tint sun visor, breath box and cold weather chin curtain
- Anti fog/Anti scratch hard coated, optically correct electric dual pane shield
The product is a DOT & ECE approved SNOW configuration helmet that features a range of amenities that help to make it a solid choice for those looking for a new snowmobile helmet. It features a nice and sleek aesthetic with a modern shell created using CAD. The shell is constructed using Advanced Polycarbonate Composite injection molding. It features a multi-density EPS liner including placement in the chin bar. It also has an anti-scratch and anti-fog lens, that can help to keep the shield safe from scratches that could obscure vision, as well as free from fog while you are riding.
The helmet also features a drop-down sun visor that is helpful on sunny days. The Hi-Definition Amber tint sun visor can help to make it easier to see and to deal with glare from the snow. The interior padding system is also removable and washable. It will wick away perspiration, and it is antibacterial and hypoallergenic. The ventilation system ensures that the air is able to flow easily from the front to the back of the helmet. This helps to remove excess heat and moisture that could build up in the helmet while you are riding. It also has a removable and replaceable breath box and cold weather chin curtain.
HJC CS-R3 Trion Men’s Snowmobile Helmet
- This item meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218 (FMVSS 218)
- Safety Features : DOT-218
The helmet is made from a lightweight advanced polycarbonate that provides quality comfort and fit. It also features the RapidFire Shield Replacement System, which allows users to quickly and easily change out the shield without the need for any special tools. The helmet is able to convert to snowmobile use with the optional Dual Lens Shield or the Electric Shield and Breath Guard.
The helmet is also comfortable to wear. It features the Advanced Channeling System with forehead and chin vents that are adjustable. The rear exhaust vents help to ensure quality airflow from the front to the back of the helmet. This will help to reduce the heat and humidity in the helmet, ultimately making it a more comfortable option.
This is a durable and safe helmet that is approved by the DOT and meets the FMVSS 218 Standard. It is also adjustable and you can upgrade it to use various face shield options later if needed.
Typhoon Helmets Adult Full Face Helmet
- Full face snowmobile helmet with a dual lens heated shield, removable chin skirt, durable matte finish. The heated shield is designed to be used with a snowmobile and with the power cord provided. If you are planning to modify the cord or use the helmet and shield in a application other than a snowmobile please understand that they warranty on the shield and cord will be voided.
- Please take just a few minutes to measure for size before you place your order and use our size chart to order. Please do not select your size with our helmets based upon the size you have now or worn before. No two helmet brands fit the same so the best way to get the right size is to measure and select your size from our size chart. Head shapes can affect how a helmet fits. If you are over the top of any size by even a small amount then the helmet will most likely be tight on you.
This option from Typhoon is a full face snowmobile helmet that features easy open and close air intake vents along with a removable chin skirt and a flip-up face shield. It is a durable helmet that meets the DOT standard FMVSS 218. The helmet has a quick-release strap, so you will not have any trouble taking it off quickly when needed.
Those who choose the helmet will find that it offers a double-pane anti-fog heated shield with a power cord included. It also has a single pane face shield for those who prefer it. The helmet includes a breath box, and you will find that it is fast and easy to change out the shield thanks to the design of the brackets. The helmet even includes a cloth storage bag. The breath box will help to reduce fogging, which is very helpful in the colder temperatures when you are snowmobiling. It features a soft lining, and it is easy to install.
Another one of the benefits is the removable and washable liner. Over time, the liners can develop an odor and get dirty. Since it can be removed and washed, it makes it easy for you to keep the helmet in good working order for years. Overall, this is a comfortable and durable helmet that could make an excellent choice.
509 Altitude Carbon Fiber Chris Burandt Snowmobile Helmet
- Hand lay-up fiberglass composite construction for stronger, lighterweight, and better fit construction
- Upper vents with on/off shutter closure for airflow control
509 offers this open-face helmet that is made from durable carbon fiber. The outer shell of the helmet is made from durable polycarbonate. It is lightweight yet strong and comfortable to wear. The sleek helmet has a range of quality features, and It can also be used with goggles thanks to the design, and it works very well with the 509 goggles. The helmet features a neck brace ready shell profile, as well. It also has an expanded polyurethane chin insert.
The helmet is DOT and ECE 2205 certified, so you can be comfortable knowing that it is a safe helmet to wear. It features dual-density interlocking EPS lining, as well as integrated front and top intake vents along with rear exhaust vents. The helmet comes with a cold-weather breath box, too, which, along with the vents, can help to reduce the amount of heat and humidity in the helmet.
The helmet fits well and is comfortable to wear for those who have been looking for an open-face helmet.
ILM Full Face Helmet
- Heated visor available by searching B08JG8L3P8. Meets or exceeds FMVSS 218 DOT safety standards. Quality ABS shell and high density EPS foam ensures safer riding motorcycles. Sleek aerodynamic design made for speed.
- Dual Visor – Inner Tinted Lens & Clear Outer Lens. Outer face shield is easy to remove and replace. Pinlock Prepared Snowmobile Helmet. Fog resistant Pinlock30 comes with the package. Ideal for riding in cold winter.
The ILM Full Face Helmet works as a motorcycle helmet, as well as a snowmobiling helmet. It is a streamlined and aesthetically pleasing helmet. Thanks to the aerodynamic design, it can help to reduce drag, as well as wind noise. You can also be sure that the helmet is safe to wear while you are out snowmobiling, as it meets or exceeds the FMVSS 218 standards, as well as the DOT Safety Standards.
The helmet also comes with two face shields and a scarf for use in the winter. One of the visors is clear, while the other is smoked. They are both anti-scratch and anti-fog visors. The helmet features a quick-release clasp, as well as removable inner lining pads. When you remove the liners, you will be able to wash them and make sure that it does not get dirty or develop an odor.
Ski-Doo Modular 3
- Modern, edgy shell design.
- Built-in Clear Vision Technology with optically-correct dual lens visor.
The Ski-Doo Modular 3 is a very lightweight but durable snowmobile helmet. Ski-Doo has been making helmets for many years, and this is a quality option that many will want to consider. It features an ABS composite shell, along with a push-button flip-up modular lens. The helmet is DOT approved and features dual visors and an internal flip-down sun shield that is easy to lower. This can help to protect from sunlight and glare. It is also possible to remove the lens in the event that it is overcast or getting dark.
The air vents are also easy to open on the helmet, which can make sure you have enough airflow while you are riding to keep at the right temperature. The helmet does not include a breath box. However, because it has a modular design, you will find that it tends to be easy to make exactly what you want and need from a helmet.
It has a classic and sleet design that looks great. The helmet is durable and easy to use, and it could be a good option for anyone looking for a quality snowmobile helmet.
Why Use a Snowmobile Helmet?
Riding a snowmobile is a lot of fun. However, there is also a dangerous aspect of getting out there on your snow machine and speeding along the trails. The helmet is there to provide you with the protection you need against a range of different types of issues that could occur. If you are on a trail that has branches that poke out close enough to hit you in the face, you will be glad that you have the helmet on. While care might be taken to keep the trails clear, the truth of the matter is that you never know exactly what might be coming.
Of course, there is also the possibility of having an accident while you are riding. Falling off the snowmobile and onto a trail or into a snowbank, even at lower speeds, can be dangerous. It is possible that you will hit your head against hard-packed snow, a tree, or a rock. These could cause serious injuries, so having the helmet and other protective gear will help to minimize these injuries.
You will also find that it is a legal requirement to wear a helmet. Even if you are just traveling across a field, you need to make sure that you are wearing the helmet, so you are not fined.
Do not make the mistake of going out without a helmet no matter how confident you might be as a rider. It is always better to be safe than to wish you had used a helmet after you have had an injury.
Types of Snowmobile Helmets
There are many different types of snowmobile helmets on the market today, as you have seen above. There are open-face helmets, as well as full-face helmets. The full-face helmets tend to be quite popular. They provide a seamless shell for protection that you will not get from the open-face helmets. Modular helmets have a jaw piece that can be locked down, or it could be raised to mimic the open-face helmet. Some consider this to be the best of both worlds.
Another option is the snocross helmet. These are similar to full-face helmets, but you will find that there is not a typical visor with this type of helmet. Instead, the users will wear goggles. In addition, the design of the helmet is different, as it features a piece on top of the helmet that helps to provide the rider with some protection from the sun and from debris. You will also find an offshoot of this type of helmet, which actually does feature a visor, so you will not need to have any goggles.
Of course, different types of riders will have their own preferences. You will likely want to think about how and where you will be riding in order to find the type of helmet that will best suit your needs. Over time, you might find that you want to try out another type of helmet as your riding style and needs evolve and change.
Tips for Picking the Right Snowmobiling Helmet
The above options are great choices for those who want a quality snowmobile helmet. However, there are still considerations to make when you are choosing your helmet. Naturally, you need to make sure that the helmet is safe and that it meets or exceeds the current safety standards like the helmets above.
You should also look at the various features that are included with the helmet. Will it come with a breath box? Does it feature a chin curtain, which can help to reduce the possibility of cold air coming in from under the front of the helmet? Does the helmet have a sun shield? Does it feature a quick release? Some of the visors are electric, which can help to prevent fogging. If you have had other helmets that have had a fogging problem, this might be something you will want to choose.
You will want to take the time to look at all of the features of the helmet, make sure it is the right style, and that is has what you need. You will then want to look at the style and aesthetics of the helmet. The style should never be the most important thing on your mind when you are choosing a helmet. It should always be about safety first followed by the features that you want. Then, you can find a great looking helmet that has everything else you need. Take your time and find the perfect helmet for your needs.
Taking Care of Your Helmet
Once you have finally made your decision and you know what type of helmet you want to get, you want to be sure that the helmet is going to last and look great for many years. After all, it is your protection when you are snowmobiling. Helmet care is, fortunately, relatively simple for you to handle. You will want to make sure that you inspect your helmet when you finish your riding, and you should make sure that you wipe it down and clean the exterior with a soft cloth. This ensures that you do not have a dirty helmet.
When you are cleaning the shield, you want to be careful and not use circular motions to clean it. Always make sure that you are wiping in one direction only. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing swirl marks, which can interfere with your vision while riding, especially at night.
Cleaning the helmet should always be done with a soft cloth and clear water with mild dish soap. You will then wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth. You should make sure that you do not clean with paper products, as they can cause scratches. Do not use any harsh cleaners either, as they can cause issues with the shield and with the mechanical strength of the helmet in some cases.
If you have a removable liner, you will also want to make sure that you remove it and wash it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Always allow your helmet to air dry before you store it, or there is a risk that mold could start to grow.
If you are going to be heading out and snowmobiling this year, and you are in need of a new helmet, the options above can be a great choice. They are safe, durable, and they all have a nice aesthetic to them. Now that you know more about how to choose the right helmet for your needs, you should be able to choose one of the options and be happy with your purchase.